We have come up with the following WISH LIST! If any of these gifts resonate with you, and you have the ability to contribute towards any of the following, please contact us.
Oregon: 503-434-1730 or info@SeeYaLater.org. Washington: 253-332-5144 or infowa@seeyalater.org
- Gift Cards such as gas, grocery, clothing and restaurant locations to help families in life-threatening illnesses through the Seeds of Hope program
- Service gifts: such as car repair, massage gift certificates, manicure gift certificates, hotel/resort nights, sporting game passes, lawn maintenance or clean-up, etc. to also assist our Seeds of Hope families.
- Multiple iPads for fundraising and marketing events
- Multiple small printers for fundraising events
SYL Oregon's Amazon Wish List: https://smile.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2CUB7D8Q5UAWC/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_2?_encoding=UTF8&type=wishlist
Thank you for all your support!!